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Advance Care Planning Workshop: a Journey Through the 5 Wishes

This small-group virtual workshop is designed as an introductory advance care planning session in an intimate group. You will download or print the 5 Wishes advance directive from We will meet virtually and walk through each of the 5 wishes for end of life care, thoroughly exploring what precisely you are recording. Jade will give real-life examples and explain (in detail) what the language means (e.g. what exactly does CPR involve? Can you request only parts of CPR?). Through each of the wishes, the group will have opportunities to clarify language, ask questions and bounce ideas off one another while separately (and privately) recording your own wishes for your self.

Additionally, the 5 Wishes are a wonderful basic template. Jade will guide you through additions to the Five Wishes to further detail your care plan by adding things an experienced Death Midwife would include. At the completion of this workshop, you will have your own advance directives complete with a vigil plan outlined, legacy project explained and after-death wishes recorded. This directive can be witnessed or notarized to make it legally binding, as required by your state (Jade will explain that for each participant too).

This group is capped at 4 participants so we can have an honest and intimate conversation to make a daunting project less overwhelming. Jade will also provide some tips for discussing your care plan with your loved ones and a discount is offered for private additional sessions, if you need more individualized assistance. Click here to book.

January 31

The Farewell Library Virtual Book Club

February 23

Death Doula 101